Pubic Hair


Say what you will about porn, but it is without a doubt a trendsetting industry. Porn made VHS popular when it was just a burgeoning technology. Before streaming video was on every website, it was on porn sites. And who let guys know that girls love it when you cum on their face? Porn producers did!

But, along with setting trends porn also reflects the time in which it is made and there might be no better example of that than with women’s pubic hair – or lack thereof as the case may be. If you want to know what was going on between a lady’s legs at any given time just look at porn from that era.


Now, I don’t want to give away my age, but let us just say that in the 1970s and most of the 1980s I wasn’t having sex. Actually, if I remember correctly, the first time I had sex was in 1989, but that’s not the point. The point is that during those decades I didn’t see very many naked women in person.

So, how do I know that women had fairly large bushes at that time? Porn! Back then it was more my father’s Playboy and Penthouse magazines, but classic porno films from those decades also confirm (as do some of my older friends who were actually seeing naked chicks) that bush was big.

In 1987, America was introduced to the Brazilian bikini wax by seven sisters at their Manhattan salon. It might have taken a few years to catch on, but by the ’90s it was all the rage and it seemed pretty much like the norm down there for the next decade or two.

As most guys will understand, after I first had sex that was pretty much all I could think about, so through the ’90s and the ’00s I had quite a bit of sex and saw my fair share of naked females. And I would say that the bare pussy look was pretty darn common – and again, this was reflected in porn. I believe this lead to a rise in “hairy pussy” sites. I mean, the only reason to have sites dedicated to furry muffs  is because most girls don’t have ’em.

Given that I work for a porn review site I probably watch more porn than most people and in doing so it makes it easier to notice trends because I see so much of it. And a few years back I started to notice more and more chicks going with shaved below (labia, lips, asshole, etc.) and bush up top (above the clit, so to speak).


After seeing it more and more in porn scenes I recognized it also appearing between the legs of girls I was intimate with. It happened enough times that I came up with a name for it. I called it the “Goldilocks.” It wasn’t too much hair and it wasn’t too little hair. It was just right.

I thought that was a pretty clever name for it, but as it turns out there already was a name for it. It was called the full-bush Brazilian. And it has been the hippest trend in female pubic hair grooming over the last couple years.

Sure, the full Brazilian is probably more popular, but the “Goldilocks” (I really like that name for it) is a new trend that could really set the pussy-hair standard for the next couple of decades.

Guys, what is your favorite female pubic hair look? Ladies, what do you do down there and do you do it because you like it or because you think guys like it? And how many of you think “The Goldilocks “is a better name than “The Full-Bush Brazilian?”