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GBD Jean Review

GBD Jean Porn Review




  • mostly exclusive content
  • zipped high-res photo sets
  • bonus photo sets

Don't Like:

  • rotating content
  • no bonus sites
  • no keyword tags

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GBD Jean Porn

GBD Jean is the online home of a sexy blonde from Germany and with good-looking content and a user-friendly design, her website has quite a few things going for it. In fact, this site would be well on its way to becoming a great one if it was still growing.

Entering GBDJean will initiate you into Jean's cute and playful world. Navigation is fairly easy, but there are two buttons, "site news" and "goddies," that both redirect you to a list of the most recent updates. This list doesn't make it evident that it has been years since anything new was added, but I assure you that that's the case.

Once you get around to exploring the videos section you may think of it as a misnomer. Why? Well, although they claim to have multiple videos, the four clips are merely short excerpts from one average-quality movie. Although there is some fetish gear involved - Jean handcuffs Amy and restrains her legs while playfully whipping her with a cat-o-nine-tails - the video is fairly softcore .

The bulk of the content is in the 88 photo galleries. Some of them appear to be new, but the website isn't getting any bigger, so I have to assume that they're just rotating them at this point. The picture sets come with high-res images that can be saved in Zip files. Although there is an average of 40 per set, you will find that many offer more than 60.

The photo section is broken up into five subsections. Three are focused on providing you with shots of Jean. As for the other two, one gives you pics of Jean with her friends and the other gives you pictures of a babe named Luna. You'll see things like posing, kissing, laughing and foot play. Although the scenes are fairly sexy, if you are looking for hardcore content, then you ought to look elsewhere.

As I mentioned, the site hasn't grown in a long time. There are some additional photo galleries included with a membership, so these and the main pics might keep you happy for a short while, but the site will disappoint if you're looking for more than just a taste of Jean.

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GBD Jean Score & Stats

GBD Jean Stats Scores
  • 88+ Pic Sets (40 pics-per-set)
  • Streaming
  • No Download Limits
  • Photo Zip Sets
  • High Res Photos
  • 1+ Movies (avg: 7 mins)
  • No HD Porn
  • No 4K Videos

Score Breakdown

Image QualityN/A
Content AmountN/A
Download / StreamingN/A
Bonus MaterialN/A
Rabbit ScoreN/A

Understand the criteria

GBD Jean Video Quality




640x4801368K; Streaming

Published: Aug 4, 2014