Despite 100s of safe porn sites doing their utmost to protect their members’ personal information and keep them free from malware, you may still be looking for an added layer of protection. After all, jumping around from adult website to adult website can put your privacy at risk. That is why many people consider using a VPN for porn as a sort of digital condom.
What is a VPN Anyway?
I realize that even if you have heard of people using VPNs, you may not know exactly what that means. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, and it creates a middleman between you and the internet. Instead of connecting directly to the web, you make a secure connection using data encryption to your VPN’s server and it connects to the web for you.
You can trust that your data is safely encrypted if someone intercepts it on its way to the VPN’s server. And even if it was intercepted on the next leg of your data’s journey between the VPN’s server and the web, the info is hard to trace back to your device. This gives you near anonymity from anyone other than law enforcement, which will have to involve a warrant.

How to Watch Porn With a VPN
Once you have installed your VPN’s app or manually set up the connection, there are only two steps to follow.
- Connect to one of your VPN’s servers, which are located around the world. Choosing the most local one usually creates a more stable connection that will also be faster. And you may have issues connecting via another country than your billing address if the porn site uses geo-targeted pricing.
- Visit the porn site and subscribe or sign in. You will enjoy seamless streaming and downloading if you have connected properly to your VPN.
There are a couple of things to look out for. You may need to re-download a video if your VPN drops partway through. If you are lucky, you may be able to reconnect to the VPN and resume where you left off. Some sites temporarily block your account if they see you jumping back and forth between a VPN and a direct connection. It can look like someone has stolen your login.
Let Your Browser Add More Protection
Once you have your VPN in place, your privacy will feel a whole lot safer. However, while you are protected from outside threats, your privacy may still need protection from people sharing your space or device. Do you really want to risk just anyone accessing your device and coming across your browsing history?
Of course, you can always clear your history. But what if you forget? To avoid that mistake, consider using a private window because it leaves no history behind. Look for the Incognito option in Chrome, Private Window in Firefox and InPrivate browsing in Edge. And in the case of Apple devices, you can set up your Safari browser to always use private browsing.
Are you the type of person who likes having a record of your browsing history for your reference? It turns out that some porn sites, like, let you review your history via your user profile. And in the case of our site, if you become a Rabbit’s member, you can store your favorites privately.

What is the Best VPN For Porn?
Although I have tried a couple of VPN services myself, there are hundreds on the market and I am hardly enough of an expert to start dropping names. However, my experience has taught me that it is important to shop around. It is also worth getting an expert opinion from trusted sources. I suggest NYT’s Wire Cutting column, Consumer Reports and PC World.
Be careful though because some VPNs are shady and create fake review websites with names meant to resemble legitimate ones. Those sites I just suggested include reviews and advice related to a wide range of products beyond VPNs and should be able to guide you. Seeing that they cover all kinds of topics is a good way to judge a source’s credibility.
It is also important to look over the VPN’s support page. I always think it is a bad sign if they only give access to subscribers. Getflix, the Australian company I chose, has a good amount of easy-to-follow documentation and real exchanges between users and their support team. It showed me they were quick to respond and glad to help. And I have been satisfied with them.

Watch Out: Free VPNs Can Be Costly
It can be tempting to go with a free VPN, but you get what you pay for – or rather don’t pay for – and they may do nothing to protect your privacy. You could even risk exposing yourself to malware or worse. And if they’re really shady, they might actively share your private information.
Yes, you read that last sentence correctly. Unfortunately, some sketchy companies offer free VPNs as a way to breach people’s devices. So the info users believe is safely encrypted is recorded instead. It is then shared with potentially criminal elements. You can save a lot of aggravation (and possibly money) in the long run by investing in a trusted brand.
The Safety Approved Sites

Want to pay for your porn membership with your credit card? Look no further! Rabbits only lists safe sites so you can feel secure in your purchase!

Shop Safely With Rabbit’s
You can feel confident knowing we only review safe porn sites, whether you choose to go with or without the extra protection of a VPN. This is because we only list websites that offer secure browsing and payment options. You never need to worry about your personal information being shared or the malware and viruses you might encounter on free tubes.
Plus, if you do decide to invest in a VPN, our porn discounts can help offset the cost. Our deals can save you up to 70% or more on hundreds of top porn memberships. We also offer Flash Sales that bring you even deeper discounts. Sign up for Rabbit’s notifications and our newsletter to stay in the loop. Let Rabbit’s save you cash and keep you safe!